First of all a big shout out to my dog the Troll over at The Collective Troll for doing a whole week about cards i’ve sent him and stuff. Make sure to check out his blog for all the fun stuff.

Now on to the contest….. There’s only one rule and that is for those of you who have a blog must follow my blog :). Now with the rules out of the way we can start this great week of prizes @ My Past Time……. I Love It!! .

We will be starting off with the Dan Uggla autographed 8×10…. Which he signed in front of me at a meet and greet!! So you’re saying to your self’s what do i have to do in order to win this 8×10??

Easy pick a number from 1 to 333 and leave it in the comment section. I will then use the oldest trick in the book and put 333 pieces of paper into a Flordia Marlins hat and pick the winner. I wish everyone the best of luck and make sure to stay tuned this whole week for prizes. I have another Bang of a prize that i’m going to be putting up on Thursday from my own collection…. And please show some love to the great Troll over at  The Collective Troll for this week on his blog will be all about me!! Wicked out!!

This will end at 9:33 pm tonight to be able to start the next giveaway….. Please get your numbers in and tell the other blogs about what great giveaways are happening here at My Past Time……. I Love It!! ….. Thanks!! Promote it on your blog and get a 2nd guess to win!!!