
First let me say its been a couple of crazy weeks for me and i haven’t had the time to sit down much less blog about cards. Started a new job and been in training for about 2 weeks now. It all come together on Thursday in which i will oversee a 380 unit property in Palm Beach. So looking forward to grabbing the reins and taking off with it. So it should be back to normal around here by the weekend. I have packages ready to hit the post office and mad things to post about from trades to TTM returns. I can’t wait to start posting again. So please bare with me and keep checking in often.

In other new i just completed a trade with the man who runs the great blog Crinkly Wrappers. I let him take all of my Adam Lind cards autos and relics, for five cards that really stand out in my collection. I haven’t sent Ted his package yet but its ready to go and sitting on my desk to be dropped off at the post office, sorry Ted i will get this out before the week is up. So here are the new five cards to be added to my collection. Thanks again T!! Looking forward to more trading soon!!