Hey guys and girls,

Hello blogging world, look at who’s come out and wants to play! That’s right the one and only WickedOrtega! I was planning on doing this for a while but time has gotten the best of me. I still have most of my collection in tact. But the ugly truth is that I’m not that into it anymore, so what better way to rid myself of this collection? By doing a huge giveaway and sale. It’s plain and simple I have a huge collection, for those who don’t know me ask around. I was kind of a big deal around here a couple of years ago. 

I’m going to make this so much fun, you guys are going to love it.

Right off the bat first comment I get will get two auto and two relics of their favorite team! 

I’m going to be holding a 1, 2, and 3 dollar sale on all my relics and autos! Yup it’s true! 

Those who who buy allot will get a bunch of cards thrown in for free and if your willing to pay the shipping on one of those USPS boxes, I think there like 5.80 or something like that. I will fill the box with cards! 

Ive moved on from cards and now that I’m living by myself I have no room for them. Rather then sell them on the bay, I thought it would be fun to do this. I’m going to be giving back to the blogging world in which I had some much fun in.

So tell your blogging buddies and tell the world, it’s going to be epic!

I’ll be posting some dollar cards tonight and doing a couple of giveaways, stay turned!
